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LACTEZIN and Rosacea

Recently we made a video recording with a leading skin clinic based is Bowral NSW. During the interview it was stated that Lactezin has been prescribed to patients suffering from Rosacea and it was found that the product works well for this serious skin condition. 

We understand that there is no cure for Rosacea and no Listed Medicines available in Australia have this condition as a Permitted Indication.

The Rosacea disease tends to affect the middle age group between 30 and 50. It generally appears only on the face and typically the central region (nose, cheeks and forehead). It often presents itself in a variety of ways that differ from person to person.

In Australia the common treatments for Rosacea may include creams or gels containing antibiotics, azelaic acid, brimonidine or Ivermectin to put on the skin, and a range of oral antibiotics. Laser treatment may be suggested to treat redness or visible blood vessels.  With the possible exception of Ivermectin, all these treatments sound very harsh.

This topic was discussed with UNILAB.  They report that there are some studies which have shown that zinc supplementation improves Rosacea1. Also another study has shown that low tear lactoferrin is associated with Rosacea2. Lactezin contains zinc and lactoferrin, plus natural Vitamin E. Our opinions are that the improvements that we have observed in relation to Rosacea are real. 

At a health professional level, we could say that Lactezin may be effective against Rosacea. The appropriate recommendation would be to follow the use directions on the pack but if symptoms persist then talk to your doctor.

  1. Tear lactoferrin levels in chronic meibomitis associated with acne rosacea (
  2. Oral zinc sulphate in the treatment of rosacea(