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How LACTEZIN fights Acne

Acne is a skin disorder caused by changes in oil glands and hair follicles that occur during puberty. Many teenagers will develop some blackheads and pimples, but some may suffer more severe and widespread acne. Acne tends to develop primarily on the face, neck, chest, shoulders and upper back. Skin lesions can be non-inflamed (whiteheads and blackheads) or inflamed (red or pus-filled pimples). Acne may be mild or severe, and the resultant lesions sometimes cause scarring.

approximately 4.7 million individuals in this Australian group suffer from some form of acne.

Male and female Australians in the age group 13 to 29 years of age may suffer from mild forms of acne. Reports suggest that around 40% of the approximately 4.7 million individuals in this Australian group suffer from some form of acne.

Conventionally, acne treatments aimed to unblock hair follicles, reduce sebum production, reduce bacteria on the skin and reduce skin inflammation. Such treatments included skin cleaners, salicylic acid and sulphur creams, benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics, retinoids, hormones, and phototherapy such as laser. Most of these prescription medicines and treatments showed limited success for people suffering from acne.

Self-care is always important. This may include keeping the skin area clean, avoiding touching the affected area, steering clear of perfumed products, keeping hair away from the face, healthy eating, regular exercise, drinking sufficient water and not smoking.

Help has now arrived! Kill acne with kindness.

Recently Dorset Health Australia Pty Limited announced that LACTEZIN (AUST L 374779) was launched on the Australian and New Zealand market. LACTEZIN is made in Australia at manufacturing facilities licensed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to GMP and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) standards.

A clinical trial published in the “International Journal of Dermatology” 2017 found that LACTEZIN can successfully help control acne and reduce the occurrence of pimples. LACTEZIN is a new clinically researched oral anti-acne Listed Medicine that carries a worldwide patent. LACTEZIN contains natural lactoferrin (from premium quality Australian milk), zinc gluconate and natural vitamin E (from d-alpha-tocopherol acetate). Lactoferrin relieves the symptoms
of acne and blackheads and helps reduce the occurrence of pimples. This daily formulation contains zinc which maintains healthy immune system function in adolescents and adults while also supporting wound healing and skin health.

The Important Function of Lactoferrin:

Lactoferrin, which is a multi-functional iron binding glycoprotein, plays an important role in immune regulation and defence mechanisms against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Lactoferrin locks up (chelates) iron and transports it straight into the bloodstream, thereby depriving iron-requiring pathogens, (including acne-producing bacteria), inhibiting their growth and modulating their motility, aggregation, and biofilm formation. Independently of its iron binding capability, lactoferrin interacts with microbial, viral and cell surfaces thus inhibiting microbial and viral adhesion and entry into host cells.

LACTEZIN is made in Australia.

LACTEZIN ® is a registered trademark and is manufactured under license from United Life Sciences Pte Ltd.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.