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End of Month Update – July 2022

From Barry Murphy

We are delighted to advise that LACTEZIN is making some significant headway in the Australian market. Shortly after the anti-Acne product was launched and the website became live, we started to see sales begin. Product was being shipped directly to consumers from our LACTEZIN stocks held in Bowral in the beautiful Southern Highlands of NSW.

In addition to website sales, we appointed two online distributors, (1) Entrapro and (2) ProGood. Both of these companies are based in Sydney, and they have an excellent reputation for high-quality health-related products with impressive technical expertise. ProGood has reported that they are now starting to receive repeat orders which is very encouraging, and this indicates that LACTEZIN is performing to expectations.

Barry Murphy with Lactezin Carton

Feedback and testimonials are now starting to emerge. Two current users stand out in particular:

Bailey is a 17-year-old living in Sydney. He was suffering from Acne across his face. Understandably this was causing Bailey some concerns and started affecting his confidence. After just 3 weeks of using LACTEZIN (2 capsules a day), Bailey provided photographs showing that his Acne had gone! Even his mates at school were amazed at his success.

Owen is 19 and suffers from Acne on his back, particularly on his shoulder blades. Again, this caused some embarrassment to Owen. Owen started using LACTEZIN, and within 1 week, he showed us photographs. The results were truly amazing. Owen’s Acne and pimples on his shoulder blade area had mostly disappeared. Not even his mother could believe this since all previous treatments had failed. Here’s another observation – when the weather warms up, Owen often complains about his skin. He says his skin becomes itchy and irritable. After using LACTEZIN, he has found that this skin irritation did not occur. Owen intends to take LACTEZIN for the weeks ahead, and he is excited about the future.

All this really comes with no surprise. These were the results that we were expecting, given the enormous success internationally. Remember, two of the key active ingredients in LACTEZIN are natural, Lactoferrin and Vitamin E. These ingredients, combined with Zinc which supports wound healing and skin health, make a formidable anti-Acne product.

In addition to this initial success, it is pleasing to see that the Bowral Amcal Pharmacy in Springetts Arcade has commenced ranging LACTEZIN in-store. Customers can call in and have a chat to the friendly pharmacists and staff.

LACTEZIN is a clinically researched Listed Medicine (AUST L 374779) that carries a worldwide patent.

LACTEZIN is made in Australia.

LACTEZIN is a registered trademark and is manufactured under licence from United Life Sciences Pte Limited.

This post does not contain all the available information. Always read the label and use it only as directed. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.